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Fig. Settings Tab

General Settings
Enable Sound Effects
Check/uncheck to enable/disable sound effects
Adjust the sound effect volume
Enable Music
Check/uncheck to enable/disable background music
Auto Wallpaper
If checked, the screensaver will set the last played picture as a windows wallpaper

Display Mode
Use DirectX
If check the screensaver will use DirectX to display picture. Using DirectX will result faster animation.
Image Quality
You can choose the image quality when using DirectX mode
Highest: Display image at 1024x768 resolution
Normal: Display image at 800x600 resolution
Lowest: Display image at 640x480 resolution
Full Screen
Display pictures in full screen. Check Keep Aspect Ratio to keep the size ratio when stretching picture.
Actual Size
Display pictures in their actual size

Play Mode
Use Playlist
Screensaver will play all the pictures in the playlist.
Image Duration
Set the play duration of each picture
Shuffle Playlist
If checked the screensaver will play pictures randomly from playlist. If you want to play the pictures in sequential order then you need to uncheck this option.
Use Selected Image
Screensaver will play only the picture that you select in the playlist
Animation Speed
Increase/descrease the animation speed. Adjust this option to get the best animation speed in your machine.